Friday, April 13, 2012

Baby Evans - Orthopedic Deformity

Pastor Pierre came down this week with a young family who live near the "far away church" in the mountains of Kenscoff. The young father and his son stayed with us a few days while we arranged for medical care at the orthopedic clinic at Adventist Hospital, in the Carrefour area.
Evans' deformity is that one leg is significantly shorter than the other. The doctor examined him on Wednesday and the return visit for an xray was made this morning.
The normal leg is on the left hand side of the xray. Looking at the right side of the xray you can only see the lower bones of the leg.
If the leg remains how it is Evans won't be able to walk. The doctor said that Evans is too young to operate on and the family was given an appointment to come back on June 6th. Pray for Evans and his young parents. He is their first child.

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