Monday, December 26, 2011


(Haiti Libre) -

In mid-November, "Massachusetts Institute of Technology" (MIT) organized a training seminar on alternative technology, on the premises of 'Centre de formation des cadres paysans' in Papaye (Hinche), to enable young peasant workers, from 12 municipalities of the Central Plateau to learn the techniques for making straw briquettes used for cooking.

These briquettes are made from organic waste, bagasse from sugar cane, palm leaves... without the need for tree felling. With this alternative coal the Central Plateau could prevent an environmental crisis caused by massive deforestation.

Amy Smith, an MIT official said that "The program, of preparation of coal alternative by the technology provided, will help reduce the rate of desertification in the country, while allowing households to have access to an alternative technology."

"Science should not be in opposition to humanity; it must be at its service," aid Chavannes Jean-Baptiste, a spokesman for the Movement of Peasants of Papaye (MPP), adding; "In the peasantry, we opt for alternative technology to facilitate the work of peasants in their activities. We want that this technology is preferred, here as elsewhere, in order to save our environment."

The question is now to know, if the knowledge acquired will be used, if the habits will change... We must not forget that the green experience introduced to Haiti in the past, including solar cooking, has not been really successful.

"Challenging habits is still the best way to make a difference," declared the famous French cyclist Cyrille Guimard. With 98% deforestation in Haiti, if we change our habits, things will change.

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