Wednesday, February 24, 2010

photos - various - part 2

This is the first time in 14 years that both of my sisters came to Haiti! It was nice to spend some time with them.

Commercial flights started again to Haiti on Friday. There was a lot of traffic jams. The airport terminal was damaged by the earthquake and the Air Cargo building is being used for arrivals until the airport is repaired. People have to haul their luggage through the street to get to nearby vehicles.

More patience is needed now when passing through the airport arrival area.

Someone built a model helicopter as a welcome to the US military who are here in Haiti by the entrance to the airport.

This large open area near the airport is being cleared by a construction company. I am not sure what will be built here.

1 comment:

Mieke said...

Hi Karen
Thanks for posting and keeping us in touch. It must of been so nice for you to have your sisters down to visit. Hope you are enjoying yourself with them even though the surroundings are still not normal. May God continue to bless you in helping the people of Haiti.
with love your cousin Mieke