Friday, February 6, 2015

Mar. 14/14 - Timberlake - Sick Child

There are Justin Timberlake fans here in Haiti:) A woman came to the clinic Tuesday morning with her sick baby. He had been vomiting and having diarrhea. Ed examined him and told me that he needed an iv. We are fortunate to have the state hospital, Hopital La Paix near us. The hospital is located on Delmas 33. They provide good care as long as you pay for the supplies used in the hospital. I asked the mother what her baby's name is and heard Timberlake. I thought... I misheard her and said Kimberly? She said no and then I said Kenderly? She then pronounced it slowly and his name is Timberlake. I laughed and told her that he has a good name. The hiking boots I wear are Timberlake. They are great!

The baby did well in the hospital and was discharged yesterday afternoon. The hospitalization fee is cheap, 100 H$ (11.50US$) for a hospital bed. We are thankful to see him doing well and thankful for the donations people make to help us provide care to sick children :)



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