Thursday, April 1, 2010

photos - various - part 5

Every "ra-ra"/protest group comes with musicians playing these noisemakers/instruments.

"Aba Preval" (translated "Down with Preval") was written on the Rue Panamerican road and also appears on this sign.

The removal of collapsed buildings in our neighborhood is slow to non-existent, especially of the larger buildings. At this apartment complex 4 bodies still remain under the rubble but the owner of the building signed a contract with a cell phone company to put this cell phone tower on his property.

This 3 story apartment building is not going to be removed any time soon I don't think but there is lots of expensive equipment in the courtyard. Looks like the owner is trying to find other ways to make money.
The bodies remain in place. The same situation is occurring across the street in a worse way.

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