Wednesday, January 11, 2012


(Defend Haiti) -

PORT-AU-PRINCE – Senator Moïse Jean-Charles (Nord/Inite) persists that President Michel Martelly is both a U.S. and Italian citizen.

The parliamentarian for the North says that he will submit evidence that he has to the Senate commission that was appointed Monday.

The second senator from the North, Moise Jean-Charles, says that President Michel Martelly and at least three members of the government are foreign nationals, and reaffirmed Monday his willingness to go through with the case despite death threats which he claims to be object to.

“Threats do not scare me, ... on the contrary, .... they reinforce my conviction to follow through, said the parliamentarian stating that in addition to Martelly, Laurent Lamothe (Minister of Foreign Affairs, Stephanie Balmer Vildrouin (tourism), the Secretary of State George Racine, he has new information involving another member of the government, reports the Haitian Press Agency (AHP).

As for President Martelly, Senator Jean-Charles reports that he will communicate the "U.S. passport number" to his colleagues in the Senate Committee of Inquiry into the alleged foreign citizenship of members of the government and the Head of the state.

According to the information he claims to have, Michel Martelly has both American and Italian citizenships and says that he is ready to prove it.

He claims that the foreign minister Laurent Lamothe is Bolivian, and Minister Stephanie Balmir has Venezuelan nationality.

According to the same information, Georges Racine, Secretary of State for the Interior is a U.S. citizen.

The MP informed he will try to convince the Lower House to obtain 2/3 of its members who are ready to prepare an impeachment of President Martelly for his dismissal.

Senator Jean-Maxime Roumer (Grande Anse/Inite) estimates that his colleague Jean-Charles should prove his allegations. He believes that an important matter should not be debated in the press.

MP Joseph Wilbert Deshommes (Grande Saline/Inite) agreed and stated that during the last Parliament session (the 48th), senators whose foreign nationality had been proven, were dismissed.

It will be the same, he promises, for the head of state and government members, if Senator Jean-Charles can provide evidence of what he says.

The Senate committee, formed last November 28 in the wake of the case of the arrest of the member Arnel Belizaire (Delmas/Independent), .... was reorganized last Monday and is now led by Senator Joseph Lambert (Sud-Est/Inite), while Youri Latortue (Artibonite/AAA) is the recording secretary.

These parliamentarians are both considered as being very close to President Martelly, despite the differences they had with him during the presidential campaign.

Senator Steven Benoit urges the Commission to begin to work on this issue that could plunge the country into a new crisis.

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