Monday, January 30, 2012


(Haiti Libre) -

A project of Development and Peace will soon give new permanent houses, to some 450 families in Petit Boucan, a mountainous and isolated area from the Gressier region, where houses had been destroyed almost entirely by the earthquake of January 12, 2010. The houses will be for people identified as the most vulnerable in the community, such as the elderly and single parents.

The project is implemented in collaboration with the Institute of Animation and Technology (ITECA), a Haitian Development and Peace partner since 1988. ITECA has mobilized the community through consultations, and ensured the participation of the population in the design of houses, which will contribute to the sustainability of the project.

The architectural firm ACDF of Quebec, is responsible for the design of the houses. They will be built according to earthquake standards, be hurricane resistant, equipped with systems to collect rain water, and latrines. The community members will receive training from the ACDF in order to participate in the construction.

The project is undertaken with the financial support from the Government of Canada through the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) for a contribution of $4,997,436 dollars and that of Development and Peace of $1,645,500 dollars. "Working with a local organization that has earned the trust of the community, ensures that homes meet the real needs and realities of people living there. Our goal is to improve living conditions in the long run," declared Paul Cliche, Deputy Director of International Programs for Development and Peace.

The project should be completed by the end of 2012.

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