Friday, August 5, 2011


(Haiti Libre) -

In a letter, the former Prime Minister-designate, Mr. Bernard Gousse, whose ratification has been rejected by the Senate, made ​a summary of the situation.

"Dear Compatriots and Friends:

The Senate has made a decision that unfortunately has put an end to the path that would allow me to serve my country. Unfortunately... but temporarily.

My designation has raised a healthy public debate where the healthy forces of the population were in favor of good, of life, education, and against the absolute evil incarnated in a barbaric way that struck shamelessly the babies, older women, small merchants and workers.

I thank the President of the Republic ,Mr. Michel J. Martelly, for having desired to join with me, in the work of his popular mandate.

I thank the parents and friends who have never wavered in their support. I thank especially the anonymous that I encountered in the streets, and squares, who quietly but warmly encouraged me in a fight that had become their own.

I also thank my compatriots; the senators of the group of 16 for the publicity made around my name with a daily zeal that the best advertising agency could not have done. Thanks to them I was able to prove to myself and show to my compatriots my endurance, holding my head high, with eyes focused toward a collective destiny of greatness, indifferent to the vulgar spit and squawking. I will not fail to send them their fees, if they submit their invoices to me for a decidedly good work.

The parliamentary debate of 2 August 2011 has allowed that some disinterested senators defended the right and moral values ​​with an obstinacy, a panache and eloquence for which I congratulate them. They have not been defeated, and have, I hope, attracted vocations of brave parliamentarians, fed of courageousness and of science. The defeat was that, ephemeral, of the law, and that, perhaps ultimately, of the honor of the Senate; while those languishing under the tents and in hovels, in the schools, as in the boards of Directors, in an increasingly tenuous patience, the unfulfilled hopes of work, studies and rebuilding.

The battle in which I am committed, now exceeds my person. I cannot abandon it. The horizon of this struggle does not end with the question of the Prime Minister. The time has come that dignity, honest work and education are the values ​​proposed in examples and rewarded, so that the immorality, corruption, spontaneous wealth, and the arrogant ignorance be defeated.

The well-designed public life, despite its vicissitudes, deserves the consecration when it is driven by widespread access to basic social services, modernization of the state, the release of creative energies and especially the revival of the national dignity.

So I will stay with you
Goodbye (Gousse Pi Rèd)"

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