Friday, August 26, 2011


(Haiti Libre) -

"This project is exemplary because it has given a hope for the future to hundreds of minors in detention, while highlighting the unacceptable conditions in which these children live and the dramatic consequences of prolonged pretrial detention," stated Paul Webber, Charge d'Affaires of the Delegation of the European Union in Haiti during the closing ceremony of the project for the rehabilitation of minors in detention held at the Centre for Rehabilitation of Minors in Conflict with the Law (CERMICOl) Delmas (Haiti).

The haitian foundation Progress and Development (PRODEV) working in education, has started to work for the benefit of children in conflict with the law since its inception. From 2006 to 2009, it has established the school EmmaĆ¼s at the centre on Delmas 33 in which children were able to follow the classical courses and successfully pass the official examinations of the 6th year.

The objective of this program is to help hundreds of minors detained in the centres of Delmas and Petion ville; in a point of view psychosocial and educational and provide them with basic tools, that can lead them to have the basis for a trade to which they could be their own employer, based on the fact that getting out of detention is far from being an asset to get a job.

- Two modules were made ​​available to boys (initially relocated to the Centre of carrefour, offering not much space for training) : the introduction to computers where they learned to surf on the internet, use the Windows environment, basic office software like Word and Excel, and the Chess game to teach them the methods of extensive and thorough reflection.

- The girls on their side took part in the activities of the modules of Introduction to computers, cutting / sewing (introduction to the making of clothing, etc..) and cooking/baking (notions of measurements, temperatures and cooking methods).

The situation of overcrowding, prolonged detention and the sequelae of the past of these children in conflict with the law have raised the concern to support them on a psycho-social plan. Thus, during this program, they have appropriated the basic principles of etiquette and civility and have also learned to develop their emotional intelligence and to analysize the positive and negative influences that affected their lives so far. They have become aware of the need to be responsible for themselves, their thoughts, emotions and behaviours.

During the implementation of this project, the reality of the situation of prolonged pretrial detention in which the majority of minors in detention are, has become more clear for the project managers. Indeed, the weakness of the judicial system has the consequence that these children spend an average of two to three years before being judged; so it's a childhood, an adolescence that is partly broken by these problems of the system. This awareness could lead to a project involving several institutions and designed to decongest the cells and reduce, in a sustainable way preventive detention.

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