Friday, March 6, 2015

Wilkens Jean - Cleft Lip Surgery

Early yesterday morning we brought Wilkens Jean to the hospital. Yesterday it was his turn to receive a cleft lip corrective surgery from the Smile Network team. Each patient needs to be accompanied by a family member. Wilkens Jean had come to Port-au-Prince by himself. We adopted him into our Coram Deo family while he is here in Port-au-Prince and Rudy played the part as his brother at the hospital. Yesterday morning Rudy stayed with Wilkens. Late yesterday afternoon Wilkens... had his surgery. This morning when we brought food to the hospital I walked right past Wilkens and didn't recognize him. Wilkens has a new face :) He was shunned and teased because of his cleft lip. Now he is a young man with no physical handicap anymore! Pray for Wilkens as he travels back to the Saut D'eau/Boucan Carre region of Haiti. It is awesome to see the change that a surgery can make in the life of a person. Sometimes life is difficult here in Haiti. No matter what the hardship that Haiti or anyone else throws at me I will continue the fight to help the handicapped here in Haiti :) I love these times of rejoicing in a changed life :)


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