Tuesday, March 1, 2011

photos - marlene's team - part 31

The visitors wanted to find a UN hat and hoped to buy one or get a soldier to donate one and we took a trip over to the P/X store at the UN base. The only problem was that we aren't a member of the UN and weren't allowed to buy anything inside the store. Just as we got kicked out of the P/X a couple of soldiers from Canada went inside. We explained to them our predicament.

Mission accomplished! We all got UN hats from our Canadian military friends.

Haitian vendors are hoping to sell an authentic haitian painting to drive by/walk by customers.

Angela brought a Play Station 2 system with her. It is a big hit for the boys. They love playing basketball against each other.

Paulna would rather study! She tries hard to get good marks. Her goal is to get a good education. Her mother comes to all the parent/teacher meetings that the school has from time to time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good for you, Paulna! God bless you!