Wednesday, March 30, 2011

photos - election - 2nd round - part 16

Amos enjoys our opportunities to play in the streets as photo journalists! A lot of video that we took couldn't be posted because of our slow internet connection. I am going to try at a local cyber cafe. Video shows even more than a photo does.
I enjoy playing on the streets too! Pray for the electoral process; that a person who the people voted for be elected.

A couple weeks ago, a haitian journalist came to our gate with a 13-year-old girl. On the day of the earthquake she lost her entire family. She survived because she was doing homework at a friends' house. Since the day of the earthquake she has lived on the streets of Port-au-Prince. It is sad because during this time she has been beaten and raped. We took her in and I contacted Chris at HIS Home For Children. They have opened a home for girls who are rape victims. They had an opening in their program and accepted her.

While she was waiting for Chris to come over and pick her up she played with a doll that Nairobi has. She was unsure at first and quiet...

But in a couple of hours she relaxed and even started to smile as she helped Trish and the other children make some snacks. Hal told us the next day that this girl woke up with a smile on her face. Shen now has a new home where she will go to school and get some vocational training for when she becomes an adult. Pray for this girl and for HIS Home for Children as they help these children who were victims of rape.

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