Saturday, March 19, 2011

photos - aristide's return - part 1

Jean Bertrand Aristide was expected to return from exile on a flight landing before noon. He arrived earlier than expected; around 9:15am. Word went out and people raced to the airport to greet him. We followed the crowds. This photo is near the entrance to the airport.

Police/UN were not allowing people in to the airport grounds and everyone headed near where the fuel trucks entrance is. That is where Aristide was going to exit.

Everyone hurried along the road leading to the fuel gate.

Some people were on motorcycle and raced up the road.

This was a big day for supporters of Aristide. A day of joy. We were able to capture this emotion in a lot of photos and on video. The charisma that Aristide has is unbelievable. We were able to see the energy in the crowds.

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