Thursday, December 2, 2010

photos - elections - part 12

On one end of the Champ de Mars was a journalist satellite truck. It was a neat thing to see.

It was odd seeing no traffic downtown or many people. Usually it is a bustling place! We followed this tank as we continued heading through downtown.

Things appeared to be going well at the voting booths set up on the grounds of a National School (state elementary school). The policeman didn't want me to take a picture. He pointed his finger at me (better than pointing his gun!). I took this photo as I was driving so I didn't get in any trouble.

These 2 boys took the quiet time to play a game of soccer. In the distance you can see that there still are damaged buildings that need to be removed from the earthquake.

It was mainly the UN who were securing the downtown areas. Things got a little more "heated" further downtown. I'll post the next group of 30 pictures in the next couple of days!

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