Tuesday, December 14, 2010

photos - vote results - part 30

The police went back into their vehicle and drove on to the next barricade!

After the police passed the people decided to reinforce the barricades a bit and added a few tires to their obstacle. The people perched as observers on top of the rubble applauded their efforts!

A barricade again in place to ward off drivers who may attempt to pass on Delmas!

We headed back down Delmas and noticed a couple of UN tanks heading up Delmas. The soldiers did quite a bit of fighting shooting tear gas, rubber bullets and "noise makers" at the crowds of people who were trying to get to the CEP (electoral building). This man is running to get away. He is concerned that something was going to happen!

These tanks are from the Jordanian contingent. One soldier was taking a peek out of the hatch. (He looks like a groundhog sticking his head out). You could hear the ping-ping of rocks being thrown at the tanks. This soldier didn't want to stick his head out too far! Maybe his job was to call out the obstacles to the driver below him (just kidding)

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