Tuesday, February 14, 2012

photos - alabama medical team - part 4

The only person at the clinic who didn't want his picture taken was this suspicious looking man who got into the yard. He was not behaving like a patient and I caught him trying to go inside the kitchen. He meant no harm though. He wanted to sell souvenirs. He wasn't very pleased with me when I told him to come back when the clinic was over :)
The translator who is standing near the doctor is Milo, another sponsor student who is in the rheto year of secondary school. He too assists by translating at clinics and in return we sponsor his education. This gives Milo a chance to give back to the community that he is a part of.
The young boy looking into the camera is Bernaldo. A long time ago he lived here at Coram Deo for awhile. He is now in grade 9 and attends Sherri's school. He is very intelligent. With an education he probably could study to become anything. Learning is easy for him.
The pharmacy was held in the living room. They were swamped with patients too.
The patients for the most part waited patiently until their number was called.

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