Monday, February 13, 2012


(Haiti Libre) -

According to the latest calendar of activities published by the General Staff of the Mission Force, the Engineering Companies have realized, important works both in the metropolitan area and in the provincial towns.

The Korea Engineering Company (ROKENGCOY), using heavy equipment, intervened in the 2nd communal section (Morne à Chandelles) of Gressier for the site preparation of a rugged terrain, intended for the construction of a Model Village to accommodate some 200 displaced families, and the construction of a road 1.5 km long, leading to the site.

Since late January, the Company proceeded to drill a well in the city of St. Marc, in the Lower Artibonite. In the same department, from February 5 to March 5, the Indonesian Engineering Company (INDOENGCOY) is responsible for repairing the section of road from Cour Poteneau (communal section) leading to the town of Grande Saline.

The Japanese Company (JAPENGKOY) performed on two sites of the municipality of Croix des Bouquets (north-east of the capital), the work of "filling, leveling and compacting" the playground of the St. Charles Borromée school (60 m2), and the grading of an area of ​​702 m2 that will host the orphanage "Espoirs d’enfants", and a community school, at the Village des Artistes. The Company has furthermore completed the rehabilitation a street, Soleil 9 in the Commune of Cite Soleil.

Also in Croix des Bouquets, engineers and technicians of Brazilian (BRAENGCOY) and Jordanian (JORBATT) companies have put together their capacities to make functional, the drainage system of Beudet street, which they have also repaired.

For its part, the Paraguayan (PARENGCOY) engineering company has been active since mid-January, to demolish and transport about 120 m3 of rubble of a ruined building the State University Hospital of Haiti (HUEH), in the downtown of Port-au-Prince. It will then proceed to site grading.

As part of a Quick Impact Project (QIP), the Brazilian engineers are at work in Cap Haitien (North), where they are performing rehabilitation work on a public car park on Street 16-A. This work should be completed by mid-March. Meanwhile, BRAENGCOY, has been installing prefabricated modules since January in the communes of Torbeck, and Saint Louis du Sud (South) to house the Peace Courts, as part of the Memorandum of Understanding between the Minustah and the Haitian government. This work should be completed by April.

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