Monday, January 2, 2012

photos - yonel's neighborhood - part 4

The children adapt quickly to disaster settings. Throughout the neighborhood children were living and playing amongst the ruined buildings. Here are a couple of children playing on a rooftop of a damaged home.
Yonel's house is no more. The British Red Cross decided that they wanted to enlarge the canal. They gave him $6,000H to find another place to live. They actually gave him $10,000 but the mayors's office kept $4,000 of it.
The rotten thing about it is that they knocked his house down in September and then stopped work on the canal until mid-January according to Yonel. What a shame that Yonel's house was broken for 3 months. He could have been living in it all this time.
This used to be the front entrance to his house. Manu is standing in the opening
Phil commented on how it didn't make sense to make the canal that large. The British Red Cross could have digged it deeper and saved some homes in the process. Talk about an example of mission bureaucracy

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