Thursday, June 3, 2010

photos - various - part 1

The last Sunday of May is Mother's Day here in Haiti. This sign was on the "Piste" refuge camp. it translates as "Mothers give life; Mothers are life". This was a difficult day for the children in Haiti who lost their mother in the earthquake. Please keep the earthquake orphans in prayer.
Oxfam set up a display of pictures on being a mother in Haiti.

A women's group from Oxfam organized the display and mother's day event for mothers who live in the camps.

Williams' mother was at the event. She came up to us to say hello.

While visiting a camp on Delmas 31 this week we met up with this boy who had a hip injury after the earthquake. He has now recovered from his injuries and is walking once again. He lost his home but he still has his mother.

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