Tuesday, February 7, 2012


(Haiti Libre) -

After his mission in Caracas, the Haitian President Michel Martelly, accompanied by Laurent Lamothe, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Stéphanie Balmir Villedrouin, the Minister of Tourism have had, yesterday Monday, February 6, several meetings with officials of the Panamanian Government, and with the private sector during an official visit to Panama.

President Martelly and Chancellor Lamothe began the day with an official reception at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs where the Chancellor Roberto Enriquez received the Chief of the Haitian state with all the honors due to his rank. A ministerial working meeting in the presence of various representatives of the Government of Panama followed the ceremony. During this meeting President Martelly and Minister Lamothe discussed various bilateral issues, including topics related to the travels of Haitians to Panama. Several agreements were signed.

The Panamanian President Ricardo Alberto Martinelli, has signed a presidential decree that reduces the cost of visas for Haitian citizens visiting Panama from $1000 to $50, as well as the waiting period from four months to seven days. This is great and good news for Haitian traders who travel to Panama to make their purchases. In addition, President Martelly discussed business opportunities and the promotion of tourism in Haiti.

The Haitian and Panamanian chancellors have signed an agreement which will help protect Panamanian companies operating in Haiti, and vice versa. This agreement should allow more foreign direct investment in Haiti, and the creation of sustainable jobs.

Both ministers also signed a technical assistance agreement in the fields of agriculture, trade, tax collection, promotion of investments, social security and management of ports and airports.

The meeting at the Chancellery was followed by a lunch offered at Miraflores Palace, by President Martinelli. On this occasion, the two Heads of State reiterated and reinforced their commitment to strengthen their collaboration and finalized the details for the opening of an Embassy of Panama in Haiti. The two leaders also discussed issues concerning Panamanian investment in infrastructure and the technical assistance in the reconstruction of ports and airports.

In the afternoon, President Martelly and his delegation visited the Miraflores Locks at the Panama Canal. President Martelly had the honor on this occasion to open the locks of the canal to allow the passage of a ship.

President Martelly and Chancellor Lamothe then went to the Chamber of Commerce of Panama, where they discussed business opportunities and investment of Panamanian companies in Haiti. The Head of State of Haiti, was joined by a Haitian businessman, Gregory Mevs, who spoke before the Panamanian business community as a representative of the Haitian private sector. "President Martelly is pro-business, and understands the need to increase the economy through private investment. The private sector is the key to help create sustainable jobs, and working hard together with the Haitian Government to promote growth." The Chamber of Commerce of Panama, announced the coming in Haiti of a trade mission in the coming weeks to explore investment opportunities.

After that meeting, President Martelly and his delegation visited Panamanian construction companies and invited them to travel to Haiti to look for infrastructure and housing projects; reminding them that Haiti planned to spend more than $1.5 billion in the next five years as part of reconstruction efforts.

By late evening, the President met with the Panamanian President and a small delegation, as part of a dinner organized in a private restaurant.

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