Today was even more busier than yesterday. Dr. Karen's medical team treated around 400 patients. There were a lot of people who wanted to see a doctor. The team saw some serious cases with some requiring immediate care. Pray for the rest of the clinics they will be holding at other sites on Thursday and Friday. I am tired and will put more photos on tomorrow when I have more time. I decided today to talk about the children's and adult's pets. Our barnyard animals have sometimes been getting in the way. This rooster keeps walking over the fresh cement work that the cement bosses are doing at the side of the house. I asked Marie to tie him up and she said if she did this the rooster would get skinny:)

Aflac the duck is doing well but I think she misses not having a pond to swim in. Everyone here keeps telling me to get a male duck so that we could have baby ducks and duck eggs to eat. I haven't decided what to do yet.

When Jeff's team was here we had a special meal to celebrate having an enlarged kitchen and another school shelter. No, we didn't kill any of our chickens but we went and bought a large bag of imported chicken legs from the U.S. at Megamart :) Our young chickens are causing some troubles during the medical clinic. 2 of them keep thinking that the inside of their house is their home and they refuse to go outside. They have been cheeping around the doctors in their quest for food. It is all Johnny's fault. When they were little babies he let them sleep in the house with their mother hen and now they think the house is the hen house. Johnny promised me that when they were full-grown that we could eat them for supper :)
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