Tuesday, February 7, 2012


(Haiti Libre) -

Following the important cooperation agreement signed in the XI Summit of the Bolivarian Alternative for the Peoples of Our America (ALBA), in which participated a Haitian delegation led by President Michel Martelly, President Chavez announced that the Chancellors of member countries will meet in Haiti on March 2-3, 2012 in the city of Jacmel, to develop a comprehensive work plan for this new cooperation.

Ady Jean Gardy, the Chief of Cabinet of Minister of Foreign Affairs, Laurent Lamothe, reveals some information about this forthcoming meeting.

"...there are three things that will be discussed. First, it is a tribute that these different Chancellors of Latin American countries, will make in Haiti. They will pay tribute to the history. There has been nearly 200 years, that Simon Bolivar entered Haiti and went to Jacmel. It was there, that he planned all the battles that he would lead in Latin America; to release all these countries,... from Venezuela to Argentina. They will visit the house where Simon Bolivar lived. It is still there, and announce the creation of a museum. A large Latin American museum will be built in the town of Jacmel.

Secondly, members of ALBA will discuss the regional plan of assistance to Haiti. Each member of ALBA, will say what it will offer, who will support education, who will promote business, housing, tourism...

Third, there is China, who will perhaps send a representative [...] there is an agreement [commercial] between China and Venezuela [...] China will look for household appliances, how they can offer them to Haiti, so that people can buy them very cheaply.

Jacmel will become a center, a hub at the commercial level or financial, for the rest of Latin America, so that trade can be done as part of multilateral meetings that will be established from the summit of Jacmel [...]"

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