Friday, February 10, 2012

photos - family vacation - part 71

This was our last sunrise at sea. It was a cloudy morning and it took some time before we could see the sun peeking through the clouds early in the morning. It was a great trip and I pray we can all take another trip like this again! In Miami, we took a shuttle bus to Ft. Lauderdale and I took a flight back to Haiti while the rest headed back to Canada. I'll miss everyone and the fun times that we had.
The flight back to Haiti went smoothly. I had a window seat so I could take photos of the island. Here is a view of the bare mountains of Haiti.
It is going to take a massive effort from everyone to return Haiti as being the Pearl of the Antilles.
The coastline of Haiti. Notice the siltline marking the coast.
Temporary/tarp structures dot the area in the distance.

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