Monday, February 13, 2012

photos - eye clinic - part 1

Here in Haiti it is difficult to access specialized medical care because it doesn't exist. Corneal transplants can't be done here and that is what Calens needs. Over the years he has lived with the congenital eye defect he was born with and can barely see. In December a church group from Alabama hosted by Christian Light Ministries came to Haiti to do medical, dental and eye clinics. It was a combined clinic here at Coram Deo and at Christian Light Ministries. It was through the efforts of the pediatric optometrist who was part of the team, that Calens will be getting a corneal transplant surgery. Pray for the paperwork that will be needed to make this possible and pray also for those who will be responsible for his medical care in the United States.
Our entire house was used to accomodate both the medical and eye care parts of the team. They came with a lot of reading glasses. Here Yonel is trying on some pairs to see which help him to be able to read better.
Yonel is looking at a chart to see if the pair he has on is right for him.
It is good to see the interaction between the team members. These teams are a team effort between the Haitian translators and the foreign team members.
Both young and old came to the eye clinic to see if they could get eyecare. For the poor here in Haiti a pair of eyeglasses is too expensive and they just have to put up with their poor vision.

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