Thursday, February 2, 2012


(Haiti Libre) -

This week, in a joint statement, Thierry Mayard-Paul, the Minister of the Interior, Local Authorities and National Defense; Jacques Rousseau, the Minister of Public Works, Transport, Energy and Communications; and Michel Brunache, the Minister of Justice and public Security, in reference to the Decree of 1 June 2005 on the rules of the road, bring to the attention of the public, that any person contravening the following sections for rules of the road will be punished by law.

Article 14. It is forbidden to throw, place or leave temporarily on the road construction materials or other objects of any kind. However, in regard to building materials, if the current situation does not allow to keep them inside the property, a permission must be obtained from the relevant departments of the municipality before they are stored on public roads. In this case, these materials will be framed with board and, at dark, illuminated by a red light (flashing light, dry battery lamp, red glass kerosene lamp, red light bulb).

They must also be removed until the last residue, within 24 hours of completion or at the expiration period which has been granted; or immediately, at the first request of the instance from the mayor or the Ministry responsible for transport, made in an emergency. Any violation of this article will cause its author the penalty provided for in Article 279.

Article 15. Nobody has the right to obstruct by displays or objects of any kind the sidewalks or galleries, which are restricted to pedestrian traffic.

Sidewalks or galleries of the same street must be at the samel level to facilitate the passage of pedestrians.

Any violation of this article will cause for its author the penalty provided for in Article 279, but also the obligation to make room immediately.

Article 16. It requires every user to respect the integrity of public roads; its soil, its facilities, boundaries, traffic signs; and do nothing to it which degrades it, even partially or slightly; do not drop any dirty substance, noxious or slippery on it, and do not perform on it any work without prior authorization of the competent bodies.

The action for the repairs of damages to the integrity of the public roads is imprescriptible. Persons convicted bear the costs and expenses of the instance and the costs of provisional and urgent measures that the Administration could be required to take. Any violation to this article will cause for its author the the corresponding penalty provided for in Article 279.

>Article 17. No user of public roads, should circulate on them, without their identity documents that he will be obliged to exhibit to any request from a police officer. For the pedestrian, this document will be a national identification card; for animals drivers, it will be a national identification card and the entity document of the animal he is riding or driving, if he is leading several animals. The minor, required to identify will do so by his parents, guardian or school card, if any.

The identity document for each of them to complete, for the driver of an animal-drawn vehicle, his driver's license if the law makes the requirement, or his national identification card. For the driver of a motor vehicle, his driver's license, the registration card and insurance of the vehicle. Any violation of this article will cause for its author the corresponding penalty provided for in Article 279.

Article 18. The right to establish parking areas belongs to the national authorities, and the departmental responsible for the transport services. Their management will be ensured by the municipal authority. It is understood that any initiative from the mayor must receive prior to any execution, the favorable technical opinion from the Ministry responsible for transport (Ministry of Public Works, Transport and Communication).

Taxi stands, of public buses or trucks (transport) will be indicated by appropriate signs, and small vertical stripes painted yellow and black on the pavement beside the road or next to the sidewalk where they are.

A parking fee will be established if necessary.

Article 19. No fun fair, sporting event, corporate event or any other event likely to cause a blockage to the street, or restrict the normal circulation, will take place on a public roadway or on sidewalks in general, without permission of national, departmental or territorial authorities (Public Works, Transport and Communication, City Hall and circulation, etc...). Anyone who does not comply with the provisions of this Article will be liable to the penalty provided for in Article 279.

Article 20. The number of vehicles used for public transport or transport of materials or for other uses of a commercial nature and the types of vehicles to serve such areas or roads, will be determined as required by the technical body under the Ministry responsible for transport. A query may be filed in this regard by the Directorate of Traffic and Traffic Police (DCPR).

The law applies if it is applicable, implemented and respected, which in many cases, is not the case. It will take more than a simple recall to the public to avoid tragedies like the accident of January 16. Let us hope that the government takes the necessary means to make the law applicable in all its aspects, and all necessary measures, as unpopular as they are, to enforce the rules of the road and take action against offenders.

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