Sunday, February 12, 2012


(Defend Haiti) -

MIAMI - UN Independent Expert on the situation of human rights in Haiti, Michel Forst, met last Friday with members of the Haitian community in Miami. Mr. Forst heard complaints from them on issues relating to family reunification.

In a meeting organized in the offices of FANM (Haitian Women of Miami), led by activist Marleine Bastien, Haitian immigrants were able to bring their complaints to the independent expert on human rights Michel Forst who was visiting Miami Friday, February 10, 2011.

Mr. Forst earlier had a news briefing at the Little Haiti Cultural Center. On the occasion, he reported on his recent trip to Haiti, focusing on his preliminary findings, including the human rights issues in the context of the humanitarian crisis. Then, the expert went to FANM where he met with members of the Haitian community directly.

This meeting was intended, he said later to Defend Haiti, to listen to the grievances of Haitian immigrants living in Miami. "Most complaints were related to problems of family reunification," said Mr. Forst after hearing numerous complaints.

"I came to hear the complaints of Haitians in Miami, but we might as well do it in New York, Boston, and Philadelphia also, where Haitians are facing problems typical of family reunification; visa applications that have been made in good form and receiving no answer yet, "said Mr. Forst.

"I'll see how I can respond formally to accompany some cases," says the expert who suggests that immigration, the right to leave one's country, is one of the human rights recognized by the international community.

Of course, added the specialist, the international community recognizes the right of countries not to accept all types of immigrants, "but if the visa application system is implemented, if the responses were positive; because many told me they received a positive response without being able to get the family - there are malfunctions that can probably be fixed".

Indeed, several compatriots said they had completed the legal formalities for their relatives to join them in the United States, but so far their families could not reach them.

"I applied for my children since 1996. I completed all legal formalities, but am still in Haiti," complained a man who was attending an English class in FANM.

"For my part, I applied for my children since 2002, but until now, my children, who are grown-up now could not reach me", complained a lady in her fifties. "Despite the earthquake, despite the damage we have suffered in Haiti, nothing has been done to make them enter the United States. Each time, I was told that there is no visa available, "she added.

Another woman reported that members of her family died in the earthquake waiting to join the United States when she had fulfilled all the necessary formalities. "I was very affected," she says.

Dozens of complaints have been submitted to the United Nations expert on the situation of human rights in Haiti. Mr. Forst said he is not God, but promised to do what is in his power to advance some cases. Before leaving, he gave a mail where the plaintiffs could reach him(

This meeting with Michel Forst was held in the presence of the community leader Marleine Bastien, Vice-Consul of Haiti in Miami, Guy Francois, the attorney Caroline Bettinger-Lopez, two students of the University of Miami (UM) and a representative of the Americans for Immigrant Justice.

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