Thursday, February 2, 2012


(Haiti Libre) -

These last two years, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and its 20 sub-recipients intervened at the health care level, the prevention and awareness, through the Global Fund program in the fight against AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria. Their actions follow the national targets set by the Ministry of Health (MSPP).

Detection and recovery

Thus in 2011, UNDP and its partners have helped cure 60% of TB patients, whose numbers rose to 33,000 in 2011. More than 5,200 cases were detected this year. These activities were part of the National Programme against Tuberculosis, which aims to reduce transmission,morbidity and the mortality of tuberculosis in Haiti.

140,500 testing - 10 million condoms distributed

In parallel, the programme supported by UNDP has helped provide treatment to 33,274 HIV-positive patients and performed more than 140,500 HIV/AIDS tests and counselling sessions. In terms of prevention, nearly 10 million condoms were distributed.


5,235 young people aged 10 to 24 years old were educated on HIV/AIDS and 2,711 sex workers attended information and prevention sessions. These activities were developed as part of the national campaign against AIDS, improving the rate of access to treatment and prevention methods.

UNDP's contribution also focuses on aspects of monitoring these diseases and ensuring the quality assurance support services to patients, helping to establish and develop a policy to combat both diseases, while at the same time ensuring a coordinated response.

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