Thursday, February 9, 2012


(Haiti Libre) -

Former demobilized soldiers of the Armed Forces of Haiti (FAd'H) disbanded in 1995, are beginning to lose patience, and have occupied for some time now, several former military bases, to remind President Martelly of his campaign promises to remobilize the army of Haiti.

Senator Francisco Delacruz [Central Plateau] reports that former soldiers, along with their weapons have restored their base in Cerca-la-source...

While recognizing that these demobilized soldiers, are in their full right to claim the remobilization of the army, Senator Youri Latortue urges these soldiers, who are currently in bases or training camps in Carrefour, to return home and to give up the weapons they have in their possession. Otherwise, "the State will take the necessary action and restore order." Senator Latortue reminds them that Haiti needs a modern army to protect its borders and to support its development, but that "this should not and can not be done, in disorder or illegality."

On the side of the former military, former Sergeant David Dormé, Spokesperson of the Coalition of Demobilized Soldiers (CONAMID), stated "... we are a constitutional institution, a legal force, as well as the National Police of Haiti..." stressing that this is a coordinated movement, but that "...our movement of recovery of our former bases is not dictated. There is no one behind this[...] but our patience is limited. We can not wait forever...", adding that demobilized soldiers are determined to protect their bases [if someone attempts to dislodge them]. We're not afraid, and we will not succumb to pressure."

Historian Georges Michel, Member of the State Commission on "the organization of the military component of the public force" that is working on the project of the establishment of a new Haitian security force in support to the PNH, informs that the army will not be reconstructed from the base, but from the summit, describing as illegal any attempts to occupy the former bases of FAd'H. He warns the former military that the authorities will not tolerate this mess. According to him, the current movement is doomed to fail and will go nowhere.

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