Saturday, February 4, 2012


(Defend Haiti) -

PORT-AU-PRINCE - Following a verbal tirade by President Michel Martelly, that was reported to occur at the residence of the Prime Minister on Wednesday night, the President of the Senate, Simon Desras (Centre/Lavni) delivered an open letter to the Head of State and for the Haitian people.

It was at a meeting that the Prime Minister Garry Conille and members of parliament convened, that an uninvited Michel Martelly entered, and accused attendees at the rendezvous of conspiring to over throw him. This is the letter by the President of the National Assembly:

Port-au-Prince, February 2, 2012,

Open Letter to the President of the Republic His Excellency Mr. Joseph Michel Martelly

Mr. President,

I have the honor, in my capacity as President of the Senate of the Republic, to emphasize your high attention that your ascension to the presidency of Haiti expresses a hopeful choice but steeped in requirements.

You are required, equal to an ordinary citizen, respect for common courtesies, such as politeness, courtesy, and tolerance that mark a close and humane feeling.

You are required, as well as your peers of the great powers of the state, a republican ethic.

Mr. Chairman, your behavior, at the head of the supreme magistracy of the State, assaulted the average morality and dismayed many citizens. Of your sauciness, your improper conduct, your propensity for provocation and scandal, they do not reflect the image of a life devoted to a noble cause that transcends the ordinary and common.

The grotesque scenes that you habituate, including the one last night at the official residence of the Prime Minister, attended by many representatives and senators, demonstrates your lack of character and your inability to be part of this gallery of men, whom the country provides reverence and gratitude.

Mr. President, unable to shine by the respect of principles and to demonstrate by example, you can be the hero for the youth, or the monster of an adult people, ripened by the trials, recognizing its value and its merits.

Nevertheless, The Senate of the Republic, on whose behalf we work, has never failed in the imperative to harmonize relations between the executive and legislative branches, for the smooth running of state affairs for the benefit of the people.

We have, despite the difficulties, uncertainties and vagaries of the economy, including the urgency of providing critical support to the presidency, and the government, while respecting the constitution and morality that should guide our services.

The parliamentary institution has suffered many a time the kick of the President of the Republic, but humbly, out of respect for the people who elected him, we played the patience of forbearance.

Last night, after leaving the Prime Minister, mortified, head full of appetizing thoughts after being watered with insults, without cause or reason, by President Martelly, we felt, my colleagues and I, President of the Senate and the National Assembly, that he has proven his case of contempt, affecting the honor of the Grand Body and Haitian Parliament, against which we raise the most vehement protest.

On behalf of the Senate of the Republic, on behalf of Parliament, on behalf of the Haitian people who mandated us, we ask the President of the Republic to make an amends and apologize publicly for having departed from the basic principles of morality, ethics and respect for the dignity of our people, and that of the institution we represent.

We reserve, in case it continues to sink into disrepute and casualness, to resort to extraordinary measures that require the extreme seriousness of a case such as this.

May God protect and bless our nation.

Simon Dieuseul Desras
President of the Senate of the Republic

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