Sunday, March 18, 2012


(Haiti Libre) -

The Ministry of Tourism, in association with the Tourism Association of Haiti (ATH), tourism institutions of private sector and Air Caribbean organizations, from Thursday 15 to Friday, March 21, 2012, a program of visits for Educotour in Haiti [a group of tour operators from Guadeloupe and Martinique].

This visit comes within the framework of the policy of the Ministry of Tourism of Haiti, to improve the image of Haiti, and to promote the attractive aspects of the country and is part of the extension of the exploration mission in France, in January, of the Minister of Tourism, Stéphanie Balmir-Villedrouin. The Minister had met Frédéric Lefebvre, the State Secretary of Tourism to explore possibilities of establishing joint tourism offers, with Guadeloupe and Martinique, regarding for example cruises, that could be presented in September at the "IFTM Top Résa" show.

While in Haiti, the members of Eductour will be able to discover the urban nightlife of Port-au-Prince, in places like: Presse Café, La Réserve, the Quartier Latin, and visit cultural institutions like the National Pantheon Museum and art galleries, such as Galerie Monnin and Marassa. A circuit of visits outside the capital is scheduled for tour operators, on the Côte des Arcadins, with the visit of heritage sites like Fort Drouet followed by visits to Jacmel, Aquin, Port-Salut and Ile à Vache.

The presence of these tour operators is already a success for the country, since it offers the opportunity to present to the organizers of regional tourism, the benefits of Haiti.

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