Friday, March 30, 2012


(Haiti Libre) -

Moïse Jean Charles continued his offensive; in addition to wanting to topple the President Martelly for his alleged double or triple nationality (what he has failed to prove so far), the President of the Commission of Inquiry into the nationality of members of the Government, is now tackling Laurent Lamothe, saying that he holds dual citizenship and that he is an American...

Senator Moïse, based on hearsay (information reported by public rumor) says that the President recognized the U.S. citizenship of Laurent Lamothe, during a meeting with Rodolphe Joazile and Sorel Jacinthe [former President of both houses], during the process of the designation of the Prime Minister-designate Daniel Rouzier, after they had suggested the choice of Laurent Lamothe for this position. For his part, Senator Joazile has no recollection that the Head of State had made ​​such comments concerning the nationality of Laurent Lamothe at this meeting... Recalling that, nevertheless, before the new denunciations of his colleague, he had to investigate; the two Commissions are closely linked.

For Senator Moïse there is no doubt that the country is run by foreigners. "We expect the conclusions of the report to see if the members have the nerve to make a favorable report of Mr. Lamothe", arguing that the case of the dual nationality of the Prime Minister-designate is far from over... Especially since he also suspected the existence of "a network of counterfeiters and malefactors"... this would explain, according to him, how government officials have submitted Haitian passports apparently true, while enjoying in fact, a foreign nationality.

Moïse Jean Charles, who is scandalized, appeals to the judicial authorities to ensure that all measures be taken against the counterfeiters that feed authorities false documents; adding that the Commission will take the time it takes before submitting its report,.... stressing that "the Commission of Inquiry, has nothing to do with the current impasse," and pointing to the responsibility of President Martelly and Laurent Lamothe, who must provide the additional documents requested and still have not submitted... in order to complete their files. That will allow the Commission to produce its final report...

While there is considerable confusion within the population, and the country is sinking a little more each day in the crisis, the highly respected Jean William Jeanty (KONBA) reported that the Senate intended to act with wisdom and work on a "plan", ..... a new orientation, .... allowing the country to emerge from the crisis. Although details are not known, it seems that this "plan" has the support of all...

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