Thursday, February 2, 2012

photos - family vacation - part 29

Here is Tanya and her co-workers from the Woodingford Lodge nursing home. Marlene and Teresa are Haiti pros. They are part of Angels to Haiti. Marlene (in the black tank top) won the award as top Personal Support Worker. This cruise was a time for everyone to relax.
Here are Michelle, Tanya and myself with 2 cruise ships in the background. The water was turqoise colored and you could see the fish swimming. It was beautiful.
Here is Michelle and Lisa.
There were a lot of booths set up organizing tours of the island. Our tour was already planned ahead of time over the internet by Michelle and Tanya.
Grand Cayman is a modern clean place. Notice the Dunkin Donuts sign. They have fast food outlets on this island too. I can't figure out why Haiti doesn't have fast food companies investing. I think that Michel Martelly should contact McDonalds, Wendys and Burger King to set up chains especially here in Port-au-Prince.

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