Monday, February 6, 2012


(Haiti Libre) -

Following the bilateral meeting held Friday, February 3, President Martelly and his Venezuelan counterpart Hugo Chávez signed, Sunday, Feb. 5, during the second regular session of the XI Summit of the Bolivarian Alternative for the Peoples of Our America (ALBA), held at Miraflores Palace in Caracas, a framework agreement of cooperation aimed at increasing the bilateral and multilateral assistance offered by Venezuela beyond the Petro Caribe Fund.

This agreement will increase in a very significant manner the assistance and cooperation of Venezuela in the fields of credit, direct investment in agriculture, production, industrial development, energy and tourism among others.

Venezuela, through its cooperation agreement with China will open several appliance stores in Haiti, which will sell at a discount and subsidized price, to the population, refrigerators, radios, solar panels, electric ovens etc... The agreement plan provides funding to the Haitian people to facilitate access to these products.

The agreement also aims to create joint venture companies that creates jobs in agriculture, and to increase agricultural production capacity. Haiti will provide labor and land, Venezuela technology, and the equipment and credit to farmers.

In addition, Venezuela is committed to encouraging private Venezuelan companies to come invest in Haiti.

Haiti will benefit from this agreement, while preserving its status as an observer country in ALBA.

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