Wednesday, February 1, 2012


(Haiti Libre) -

From January 25 to 27, 2012, the Local Development Programme in Haiti (PDLH) has proceeded to the inauguration of five administrative complexes in the town of Saint Michel de l’Attalaye, in the Artibonite, in conjunction with the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) and its partners, the City Council and Oxfam Quebec.

The improvement of living standards of the Haitian population, including respect for human rights, education, employment, environment and energy, is one of the main objectives of PDLH. Its implementation strategy is based on an integrated intervention addressing simultaneously, several aspects of development, local governance and socio-economic development.

Through fruit processing infrastructure, support to the operation of the beekeeping sector, the modernization and optimization of the cane sugar industry, the construction of mini complexes for the CASECS and an administrative complex, as well as rehabilitation of the water system; it is $2.7 million that have been invested in the commune of Saint Michel de l'Attalaye, directly benefiting about 5,000 people.

These positive results are organized around the three axes of intervention of PDLH : support to local development processes, institutional support, targeted with state partners involved in local development, regional planning, the decentralization and the establishment of a range of training, and research in local development.

Francine Roy, the Director of the PDLH in Haiti stated: "The project facilitated the capacity building of local actors to take charge and manage everything that regards to their local development and the management of the services offered to their population, as well as encourage participation in the economic and social life."

Learn more about PDLH :

From a consortium composed by CECI - SOCODEVI - ENAP - SOGEMA and funded to the tune of $20 million from CIDA, the PDLH intervened these past six years in 16 municipalities in the departments of the Artibonite, Nippes, North East, North and Northwest.

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