Friday, February 3, 2012


(Haiti Libre) -

Faced with some protest movements relating to salary arrears and appointments, and to avoid drift and any form of reuse with nacceptable social consequences, the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training (MENFP) stated that the State has made ​​many efforts over the past two years, to regularize the status of teaching and administrative staff, recruited outside regular procedures.

The Ministry indicated that 10,000 cases have been treated and regulated, while respecting the criteria relating to the profile of staff to recruit and the real needs on the ground. Most teachers and managers concerned have already received their letters of appointment and a check already.

Concerning the records that could not be finalized due to instructions given during the accession to power of the new government, the Minister of Education, Reginald Paul, informs that he has reactivated this issue and has asked the Human Resources Department and the Department of Administrative Affairs to finalize the process, so that cases of academic and administrative staff who meet the relevant criteria, may be regularized in the shortest time. To this end, the lists of those interested were reconstituted for validation purposes by the departmental office of assignment, in order to avoid that letters of appointment are issued for cases of retirement or death.

As for those who should receive compensation and whose case was delayed, the Ministry states that the process is already underway for 1,852 cases concerned, who will receive their payment shortly.

The Ministry has informed the staff that arrears of several months, for the period 2006-2007, which have a letter of appointment and a contract signed by the Minister, that the relevant bodies of the MENFP has informed them, that records are being constituted to be brought to the attention of the Ministry of Economy and Finance for evaluation and follow-up.

Finally, for teachers who were recruited under the Program of Universal Schooling, Free, and Compulsory (PSUGO), whether in specific classes or schools newly created, with the approval of the central authorities, the records are currently being processed. Contracts have already been finalized for four departments: Southeast, South, Grand'anse, Northeast and will be forwarded as soon as possible, to the relevant departmental offices for signature by the persons concerned. For other departments, the Ministry specifies that audits are continuing to ensure that the records are correct.

MENFP appeals to the understanding of teachers to continue to supervise the children, stressing that the now is the time for reconstruction and unity. The Ministry points out that complaints must be submitted by the institutional channels of dialogue provided in accordance with procedures and regulations.

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