Thursday, February 2, 2012


(Defend Haiti) -

PORT-AU-PRINCE – Prime Minister Garry Conille rejected the accusations of former First Lady Mirlande Manigat, who said that the Haitian government moved the 2012 Carnival to Les Cayes as part of a “vast money-laundering” scheme.

The Office of Communications for the Prime Minister said that Conille was shocked to hear the accusations of Mrs. Manigat, which according to the Head of Government are “baseless”.

In a press note, the prime minister’s office “vehemently” rejects the allegations that the government would be involved in such practices. Conille’s office says that these accusations were made to demean the government and to break all the efforts of the new government to provide another image of Haiti.

The note reads that Mirlande H. Manigat is trying to make a boycott of the “beautiful gesture” and promotion of the South department, which holds artistic and landscaping treasures.

The note continues to say that it is “incredible” that a former candidate for the highest seat in the country would speak against decentralization with actions that are in “poor taste”.

The Prime Minister’s Office says the gesture of holding the Carnival in Les Cayes was to give value to the provincial areas of the country and boost culture and tourism throughout the country. The Carnival in Haiti is very popular and is a great forum to expose the beauty of the country, the note concluded.

Over the past weekend the former First Lady was heard on a radio station in the capital making the accusations saying:

"...I do not like to make accusations that I'm not sure of. But why is the carnival in Les Cayes?

"Because there is large-scale money laundering happening in Les Cayes. The agent comes by boat, with cash...

"Why are they (the government) having the carnival in Les Cayes? It is because of that! It is not because of decentralization!"

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