Friday, February 3, 2012


(Haiti Libre) -

President Michel Martelly, welcomed yesterday, Wednesday February 1st, with full honors at the Toussaint Louverture International Airport, the President of Brazil Dilma Rousseff. The Brazilian President, at the head of a large delegation, was conducting an official visit to Haiti, whose objectives were to strengthen the ties of friendship and strengthen the cooperation relationships between the two Nations.

The Head of State held talks with his Brazilian counterpart at the National Palace in the presence of, among others: the Prime Minister, Dr. Garry Conille, and Haitian and Brazilian ministers. Other extended meetings also took place with members of the two presidential teams and representatives from all sectors involved in the Haitiano-Brazilian cooperation.

After these intensive working meetings, both heads of state held a joint press conference.

Excerpts from the speech of President Martelly

"[...] President Rousseff and myself have just had a private meeting, followed by a meeting with members of our two delegations. During this dialogue, we discussed very important issues for our diplomatic relations. Haiti is sensitive to the interest of Brazil to develop our economy, so I asked President Rousseff that she helps us to promote Brazilian private investment in Haiti, including the Caracol Industrial Park.

The assistance of the Brazilian Government was also asked to encourage members of the Brazilian Association of Textile Industry (ABIT), and the National Confederation of Industries (CNI) of Brazil, to come and invest in Haiti. Potential investors could benefit from the advantages offered by the HOPE law (Economic Lift Program), according to which the Haitian products can enter the United States without paying customs fees. The HOPE law could then be passed by the Brazilian Parliament so that Brazilian companies can settle in Haiti [...]

Concerning credit, we talked about the eligibility of Haiti into the National Bank of Economic and Social Development, for Brazilian companies interested in doing business with Haiti to benefit from loans.

There was also the question of energy, a very important point for Haiti. President Rousseff is also the President of the Board of Directors of the state oil company of Brazil, PETROBA. We have discussed the possibility that the company PETROBA provide us technical assistance for the production of bio-diesel and ethanol in Haiti [...] and the improvement of our storage capacity of bio-diesel. We have recall the details of the 30MW hydro-electric plant on the Artibonite River, commonly known as 4C project. This is a project of 192 million, including $40 million funded by Brazil and 30 million by IDB [...] There is always a shortage of 110 million to complete this project and we are always open to the public and private sectors.

[...] I also emphasized support for housing [...] Madame President promised me that through cooperation she will see how Brazil can help us at this level [...] in the field of sports, we also seek cooperation: for training, infrastructure and friendly matches [...]

Concerning the security forces, the President spoke about the withdrawal [...], or the reduction of Brazilian forces at the Minustah level. We also talked about our commitment to rebuild our own national security force, because when we talk about the departure of the Minsutah, it is also necessary that we speak of an alternative, that can keep the peace in the country. To this end, a Joint Commission will be created, which will aim to work on the feasibility of such a project. And of course we talked about the withdrawal of the Minsutah and worked on a calendar [...]

The intense dialogue of this morning is essential for the strengthening of relations between our two countries. I tried to persuade President Rousseff, that now we live in a new Haiti. She told me that she has noticed that, and the delegation also [...] She has shown interest in our proposals and gave me an invitation to the Rio +20 International Conference, to be held in Rio de Janeiro from June 4th to 6th, 2012 on two specific topics: 'A green economy in the context of poverty eradication and sustainable development' and 'An institutional structure that promotes sustainable development' ..... and there, Haiti has much to say.

President Dilma thank you for coming to Haiti."

Excerpts from the speech of the President of Brazil Dilma Rousseff:

"[...] It is with great pleasure that I realize, as President of the Republic of Brazil my first visit to Haiti. This is a special occasion, to reiterate the firm commitment of Brazil to the process of development in Haiti. I was able to note with satisfaction the progress you have made in the reconstruction of your country, both from the institutional point of view, and in terms of the infrastructure of your country. I know that there are still many challenges to overcome, but as I said to President Martelly, Brazil will remain firmly with you on this path.

[...] We discussed the importance of Brazil's participation in the reconstruction of Haiti [...] to ensure the presence of private Brazilian investments in Haiti, and this is expressed through the organization of a Forum of Heads of 'Brazilian companies that could invest in Haiti. [...] Concerning housing, Brazil is willing to give its support for a housing program, to remove the people of Haiti from under tents.

[...] We also talked about Haitians living in Brazil, looking for opportunities [...] We will continue to work together to create better living conditions for Haitians in Haiti. [...] We are ready to receive Haitian citizens who seek new opportunities in Brazil [...] new measures were adopted by Brazil [...] through these measures, the Brazilian government created an additional category of a permanent visa, only for Haitians, whose concession is not subject to the demonstration, for example, of a contract of employment, and this for 5 years. We will be able to receive in this visa category, 1,200 Haitian families a year. Similarly, we will legalize the families that are already in Brazil.

[...] The spirit that gives life to the actions of Brazil in Haiti, is a respect to the sovereignty, of cooperation, of development, of fraternal friendship, of openness to dialogue and mutual respect [...] Brazil and Haiti will demonstrate their ability to build a partnership, which our two peoples can be proud of.

Thank you."

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