Wednesday, February 1, 2012


(Haiti Libre) -

A tripartite agreement on health, between Cuba-Brazil-Haiti, for a period of three years, has just been signed with the Haitian authorities. The signing follows the decision in October 2011, on the necessity to establish a program of South-South cooperation in the field of health. Dr. Florence Duperval Guillaume, Minister of Public Health and Population (MSPP), stresses that the concept of health, is an essential point for any government wishing to contribute to the welfare of its people. Its Ministry intends as part of this program, to realize a set of trainings aiming to harmonize the Haitian health system, and make an integration of Haitian doctors trained in Cuba. For the Minister, the establishment of these relations means a lot. "Previously it was the Haitian delegation that moved; [...] now they are Cuban and Brazilian delegations that come into Haiti."

Jean Hugue Rius, Program manager, explained "...In the specific context of this Cuba-Brazil-Haiti tripartite agreement, we have first the construction of community hospitals.... there are three planned. There is the rehabilitation of a group of health centers; the psychiatric Hospital of Beudet [...] There is the support for immunization programs and the strengthening of laboratories for disease surveillance. This is why, as part of this agreement, it is expected that there will be the rehabilitation and development of two regional laboratories in Cap Haitien and Les Cayes. It is also a question of training health staff, and the establishment of a national ambulance network for emergencies... As you can see, this is rather an ambitious program [...] It is obviously for beyond the three years of the agreement. It will be necessary continue to implement the necessary measures to ensure the sustainability of the programs of this Convention [...]"

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