This young child was at the hospital for a post-op check as well. It is good to see children who have already had surgery. With the pressure off the brain they develop. You can see the brightness and alertness in this child's eyes.

One of the rooms in the hospital was dedicated for the hydrocephalus patients. There wasn't much room available but the parents didn't mind. Their children were receiving hydrocephalus surgery and a chance at life.

25 shunt surgeries were performed as well as surgery on a tumor and a spina bifida surgery.

Joanna is working here helping out preparing the meals for those parents and children staying in the hospital.

A few of the older guys here at Coram Deo give her a hand in distributing the plates of food. We give the Lord thanks for those who donate to our programs here at Coram Deo. With these donations we are able to provide meals in the morning and evening at the hospital while the parents and children are hospitalized. Healing Hands brings the afternoon meal to the hospital.
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