Thursday, March 29, 2012


(Haiti Libre) -

Given the situation that confronts the Government following the occupation of former bases of FAd'H, by armed men in fatigues, claiming to be demobilized former soldiers, the former Colonel Himmler Rébu, leader of the Grand Rally for the Evolution of Haiti (GREH) declared "...As a former Colonel of the Army of Haiti which has always been against any disorder; intellectual, political or tactical, on the ground,.... I say clearly what is happening here, is an unacceptable disorder [...] We are saying to the President Michel Joseph Martelly, that he is today the Head of State [...] There is a mess, and he can not pretend not to know that the men are armed. He can not tell us today, that he does not know how they are armed, because it would make him even more irresponsible. He must resolve this issue with these men, and we are in a waiting position... The first Haitian, whose blood will be paid by an action of force decided by the current leadership, will lead us into a situation of global disorder [...]

Certainly, there is a General-Staff 'Phantom', that has decided a logistics plan, for the supply of these men; of arms, equipment, uniforms and food. There is certainly a General-Staff 'Phantom', and we want to get out of this underground state.

The army must be a regular national force, according to the standards prescribed by the Constitution, and outside of the will of one man or of a group of men, who today have only the possibility of recognizing that they are wrong, and have the duty to do their 'mea culpa', so that they are not themselves led in the wave that is coming [...] These men represent a symbol. Their struggle does not presume that tomorrow they will be part of the Army Forces of Haiti, but the meaning of their actions reminds all of us, that we have a duty to drive out of the fields of the Haitian Fatherland, those who today make a trade of the insecurity, the trade of fake elections for over 25 years, since President Jean-Claude Duvalier left power [...]

The Haitian Nation is trapped in an international trade of political instability, and of internal insecurity, so that Latin American soldiers can strut with weapons in hand [on Haitian territory], at a cost of nearly $1.5 million per day, at the price of the misery and of the indignity to which we have all plunged..."

On the sidelines of a conference of political parties, Mirlande Manigat on the subject of the occupation of the former bases of FAd'H, doubted that they are only former demobilized soldiers, and she describes the non-intervention of the National Police of Haiti, as a malfunction of the State "...You say there are demobilized soldiers... Firstly, I'm not sure that they are only demobilized soldiers who are here today. Secondly, they are armed, have new uniforms, new boots, new weapons. We can ask the question to know who is behind them? Now there is another problem that arises, that of the defiance to the authority of the state. If a Minister gives the order to evict them and the police says that they will not, because it is not their role, and does not have the means to do it... this is a serious problem of the malfunctioning of the state..."

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