Tuesday, July 3, 2012


(Haiti Libre) -

Prime Minister, Laurent Lamothe proceeded on Monday, at the Primature, the installation of Mr. Uder Antoine, to the position of General Coordinator of the Office of Human Resource Management (OMRH) within the Office of the Primature, a structure responsible for steering the various reforms within the public administration. Mr. Antoine, has worked inter alia within the the Commission of Inquiry responsible for the audit of contracts signed during the emergency period as a Senior Auditor. In November 2011 he was appointed Secretary General of the Primature.

In his speech, the Prime Minister reminded Mr. Uder Antoine "[...] The state reforms, specifically the reform of public administration [...] are much more than public policy choices; the state reform is imperative. It is imperative for the Martelly-Lamothe Government, that these reforms start quickly and efficiently, so that projects can start, so that our human resources can be prepared, well trained and understand the issues of the challenges [...]

In this vein, the OMRH, in which we install today a new General Coordinator, is a hub, a strategic body, which is responsible for leading the activation of this reform.

Mr. Uder Antoine, the OMRH of which you take leadership today, has to ensure system performance of the public service, by putting in place mechanisms and administrative procedures to enable it to evaluate the performance of public service executives.

Mr. Uder Antoine, I believe in a modern government, more efficient to the service of citizens, and results-oriented, respecting the principles of good governance; an administration where we find the right person at the right place, where employees have a salary allowing them to be motivated.

I believe that state reform is possible, and ask the effective involvement of the three branches of government. I urge all ministers, all Secretaries of State, Directors General of all organizations technically decentralized, and those of the autonomous bodies, to participate actively in this process of change for Haiti.

Mr. Coordinator General, your task is enormous and, by helping to change the operating mode of public administration you will contribute to help your country, your fatherland to rise to the ranks of modern nations, capable of dealing with the challenges of globalization. I only wish you success. Your success will be the success of the entire government, and all the Haitian people..."

In his speech, Mr. Uder Antoine in his preamble stated that the Office of Human Resources Management [established by decree on May 17, 2005], is one of four strategic coordination bodies which were created in order to ensure the control and coordination of all actions that will be undertaken in connection with the reform of the state. "[...] This Office is responsible on the one hand, to advise the Prime Minister in the development and implementation of policy and on the other hand, to ensure the enforcement of laws and regulations relating to the career of Public Service agents, by supporting ministries and administrative agencies in the implementation of proposals for institutional, organizational and managerial reform.

If the Supreme Council of the Administration and of Public Service is responsible for the strategic management of the modernization of public, the OMRH is the body responsible for the operational steering activities of the reform. To this end, the OMRH will provide the technical support necessary to improve management at all levels of government, and will constitute the main hinge that can propose to the Prime Minister, government policies aimed at improving the organization and functioning of the Administration and of the Public Service.

Mr. Prime Minister, I must admit that this function carries with it heavy responsibilities, and I am aware that I can not succeed without your full support, and most importantly that of Government Ministers, State Secretaries and Directors General to name a few.

I am aware that a reform is never universally accepted, and consequently it is necessary initially to adopt a participatory approach, and to involve all stakeholders in a moment of time [...]"

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