Sunday, January 16, 2011

photos - IRON MARKET

Digicel is a large cell phone company active in the Caribbean. Since they set up business here in Haiti they have provided good service and helped the Haitian community. After the earthquake they decided to rebuild the "Iron Market". Several million dollars later and within a year the new market is open for business and ready to house the many vendors that used to sell here.

The building is built of steel and will withstand the force of both hurricanes and earthquakes.

Here is a view of the large interior space inside the market.

2 large buildings separated in the middle by a steel decorative clock tower type structure.

The left pillar has the word "paix" (peace) on it and the right pillar has the word "travaille" (work) on it. Peace and Work is what Haiti needs. Pray for peace and security for the Haitian people and for them to be able to find work. May more companies like Digicel invest in Haiti. Then the country can be lifted out of its misery.

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