Saturday, May 9, 2009

photos - various

We got sad news this week that Sammy died in Fond Baptiste. He was 20 years old. He is in heaven now where he suffers no more.

Jacob had his 15th birthday this week. Jacob is Sammy's cousin. It was on a visit to see Jacob when I first met Sammy (when he was 11 years old).

This 6-year-old girl is our newest addition to the school program here at Coram Deo. Her mother died a couple of weeks ago and her 7-month-old baby sister died a week later. She is now an orphan and will be raised by her aunt and uncle. Her aunt, Joana is one of the hydrocephalus parents (mother of Chrisno). By the end of the week she was sitting in class and starting to smile. Keep her in prayer.
Gilberto Romain is a happy 3-year-old boy who has cerebral palsy. His mother said that he can't still hold his head very well and I told her not to give up that it would just take more time.

I showed her that one day he may walk. Here he is making an effort to stand. Here he is trying to push up with his head. This is a good exercise to build neck strength. Hopefully she will keep in contact.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


We continue to hope and pray that your God given calling will prosper, and we pray that you will be given comfort with the unfortunate loss of Sammy. God has taken him home were he will have no more suffering, he has won the race. HE in his wisdom has also provided you with yet another oportunity to witness, in this little girl who now comes to the school. Continue to open your heart to the Holy Spirit, and HE will CONTINUE to bless. Keep the faith, and God Bless all those in Haiti that are in HIS name fullfilling the calling.