Wednesday, May 12, 2010

photos - various - part 6

At this house a couple of people died. One 2-year-old boy remains in the rubble near the top.
Inspectors from the mayor's house passed by. Notice the guy is carrying a stencil with the inspection team number and a can of red spray paint. Red paint on a building signifies that the building needs to be demolished.

The Lycee Horatius got a condemned verdict from the inspectors and the team inspection number was spray painted in red on the wall of the Lycee. A lot of buildings will be condemned throughout the city.

We visited the bridge sit on Delmas 31. No bridge yet and the walkway disappeared in one of the rain storms that we have had. This man is washing his hands in the stream before crossing.

The poor workers on the new bridge have a difficult task. The trickling stream in the above photo becomes a raging river during the rain. The new cement support base is now slanted because the water ate away at the dirt under the cement. Poor guys are working by hand breaking up this 2ft. deep concrete slab. I don't think the new bridge will be finished in a couple of months.

It was amazing to see 2 different methods of breaking up the slab. The guy on the left in the yellow shirt is using a jackhammer powered by a generator. The other guy on the right in the blue shirt is using manual power with a sledgehammer and a huge pick! Poor guy. A good work-out though at developing abdominal and arm strength!

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