Sunday, January 25, 2009

photos - incidents

There was a large "manifestation" of people going up Delmas to support one of the candidates while he was registering as a candidate for the upcoming senatorial elections in Haiti. A mob of people were beating a couple of thieves in front of us.

When they were done everyone headed back up Delmas.

The mayor of Delmas has been busy enforcing the law of building homes in designated areas. A family I know had there house built on the street in front of this wall. The poor will build wherever they can find a place to build. The mayor sent workers to destroy illegally built houses in the streets of our neighborhood. I don't know where this family is now living.

Here is where a bar and music stand was built. On these 2 corners street parties would be held. It made for some noisy evenings during holiday times!

Since the new year there has been a change in administration at Grace Children's Hospital. They now have a new director but a private security company was hired. There is some conflict in the changeover and as a result the clinics are not functioning and the gates are locked. The TB and HIV programs are affected by this turmoil. Current patients are lining up in front of the gate to get their TB and HIV medicine refills. New patients will have to wait until the conflict is resolved. Pray that the problems will be resolved soon and that these clinics can continue to see many patients again.

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