Saturday, February 23, 2008

photos - pharah's surgery

The pressure in Pharah Simeon's head causes sundowning of the eyes. In order to focus better she pulls down her eyelid so that she can see better. I have never seen a hydrocephalus baby do this before. It shows how much the brain is still thriving despite the pressure.

This is Pharah in her hospital bed after surgery. You can tell that the pressure has been relieved as the fontanels in her head are starting to sink. Over time the bones will come together and the head will be somewhat smaller.

Pharah enjoys people and her host family lovingly cares for her in the United States.

We give the Lord thanks for the efforts of the neurosurgeon Dr. Benjamin Warf and Dupont Children's Hospital located in Wilmington, Delaware. All of Pharah's medical care is donated.

Here is Pharah with a smaller head and no sundowning eyes. She has an opportunity now to live. She will spend the next several months with her host family and under the post-op care of Dr. Warf.

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