Wednesday, June 22, 2011

photos - various - part 4

Amos got his driver's license this week. This is his first official trip driving Kimosabee. Unfortunately Kimosabee is a little under the weather. He overheats when driving up hills so we are limiting our trips. Until he is fixed we rely on the good old tap-taps for travel involving longer distances and going up hills.

The children had an experimental garden on the roof. They had a good corn crop growing in an old tire filled with soil. The corn thrived during all the rains we had but now that it is dryer the children keep forgetting to water their corn. Now they have a dried up crop. At least they learned a lesson on farming.

We bought a "mobile net" internet modem from Hainet last week and set it up to a wireless router. Now we have a Cyber Cafe here at Coram Deo. In order to avoid fights Manu is in charge of scheduling. Everyone gets a turn in 30 minute increments. Manu enjoys supervising the room. When the others don't listen when their time is up, he come and gets me.

We are trying to grow grass . I asked Pastor Pierre on Saturday to turn over the dirt and stake out the area. It sort of looks nice. It would be nice to have some more green space to the yard.

From a distance it looks like a maze. I'll take a photo again in a couple months to see if any grass comes up.

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