Thursday, December 16, 2010

photos - election protests - part 8

Another presidential candidate who spoke was Garaudy Laguerre and is pictured addressing the crowd. Other presidential candidates who were there were Charles Henry Baker and Jean Chavannes Jeune. Of the 19 candidates who entered the election 14 of them stood together on the day of the election Sunday November 28th to denounce the fraud and irregularities that occurred that day. The common theme they delivered to the CEP was to annul the elections and demission the CEP.

This sign translated into english is "Preval and Cholera are twins". People are very angry with the government.

People cheered at what the candidates said and emphasized their agreement by holding their red cards in the air.

Journalists recorded the day's events. It was interesting to see the authors of news reports I sometimes read and put a face to their names. These reporters were from Reuters.

After all the presidential candidates who participated in the protest spoke the protest was closed for the day and the people were told that the next protest day would be held on December 4th. The people turned around and started to walk away from the CEP site.

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