Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Thugs And Corruption

Today we had 3 guys who entered into our yard who said they worked with the mayor of Delmas.They asked me to give them money. I told them no, and that we didn't have money to give away as gifts. People are thinking that we have money. The day that Ysmaille was killed he had gone to the bank to make a withdrawal. I don't know if it was a withdrawal for Jake and Ysmailles' business and/or a withdrawal for the mission program he works with. Jake and Bill had spent the morning up the mountain in Kenscoff showing the farmers how to plant potatoes (Canadian spuds). Ysmaille had just dropped off his fiancé at the airport. She was heading back to New York after spending some time in Haiti. Jake and Ysmaille had planned to look at some land in the La Tremblay area of Croix des Bouquets. Ysmaille went to the bank and then came back to our neighbourhood. He parked his vehicle in front of our house and then entered our yard. He talked with Macdonald and the other guys in the yard. He then exited the yard and bought a pate. Ysmaille opened the door to his vehicle, sat down behind the wheel, started the vehicle and it was then that gunmen came up to him. They apparently asked him for money. There were around 6 gunmen according to witnesses on the street. They shot and killed Ysmaille with 2 shots and injured the passenger. The gunmen escaped. The police and Delmas mayor personnel came quickly after the incident but never caught the gunmen who went away on motorcycles. Now these same police and mayor personnel are causing us problems. They know that Ysmaille was killed because of money. The police and mayor personnel knowing that Ysmaille was in the yard and involved with Jake think that we have money. In truth we have nothing and are living hand to mouth as deposits are made to our mission bank account. Right now I feel like I have a bulls eye on my back. This morning 3 of the mayors workers came into the yard without knocking and the big thug representative told me that he wanted me to give them money. I told them no. He kept asking me a couple more times and wanted me to give him gas money for their vehicle. I told them no. They finally gave up and left but told me that they would be back. Next week I am going to buy 6 bibles, 3 for the policemen who are demanding money and 3 for the mayors  thugs who are demanding money. I will tell them that they are welcome to come here for bible study but not for money. Please pray for this situation. Missions and business can't mix in this country unless you have armed security. Every businessman needs an armed security. We don't have any armed security in our yard. Pray that these police and mayor's workers realize that we don't have money and are here trying to help the Haitian people with schooling and medical care and not running/starting a business.

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