These 2 happy boys are also unschooled children. Haiti is making progress in providing education but as you can see there are still children who can't go to school.

Walkensly Lapaix and his mother visited us on the week-end. He was born with a urinary genetic defect that hindered him from urinating. He almost died. He was hospitalized at Hopital Nos Petits Frere et Soeur Hospital for almost 3 months and his mother stayed by his side. An American urology doctor that was visiting performed surgery and he now is able to urinate. He still has some kidney damage but he looks a lot better than he did.

We helped her out by paying for some exams that she didn't have funds for. She was selling everything she had so that she would have food in the hospital to buy food for herself as she was there 24 hours a day. When I saw a receipt that she had in her hand from a Haitian pawn dealer and that she had put up her cooking pots for collateral I knew she was having trouble. We helped her with funds for her stay in the hospital. Pray for Walkensley, that he continues to gain strength and healing and that he will be cured of his genetic defect. He sure looks good :)

Dominos is a favorite game for children and adults. Friends of the children come in from the neighborhood to relax in the afternoons. They don't get this opportunity where they live. We are thankful that our yard can be a refuge.
We continue to bring food to the hospital for the hydrocephalus mothers and their children. Here are some of the Coram Deo family helping to prepare the morning meals. We sure have been going through a lot of bread :)
Thanks for posting all these pictures, Its great to see and read about what's going on at Coram Deo, would love to come down sometime again...
p.s. love the ducks name! aflac!!
Thanks again Karen for keeping us up to date. We check in daily and love to look at the pictures and read about all the going ons.
Gods continued blessings to you all.
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